On July 21, 1969, U S astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the moon
Even today, however, some people believe that the moon
landing was an elaborate hoax that was actually staged in a
secret area of the Nevada desert

There are conspiracy theories that supposedly support
this claim, one such being that no footprints should have
been left on the surface of the moon, as there’s no moisture
there to allow the dust to clump together to form prints

(The astronauts claimed that the ground was of a consistency
similar to that of talcum powder, in which it is possible
to leave footprints ) Others claim that, in the photographs
taken on the supposedly lunar surface, objects cast a number
of shadows, implying that they were taken with nearby multiple
light sources when the only light source available to the
astronauts was the sun The theorists also question how all
the photographs were of such high quality when they were
taken by men in heavy suits with gloves And how did they
change the films? Who took the photo of Armstrong taking
his first step on the moon? How come the flag he planted
is shown as being well lit even on the side of it that’s away
from the light? And why are there no stars visible in any of
the photos, or any trace of blasting from the rocket that carried
the men down to the lunar surface? The fact that the
American flag that is put in the ground flutters is also one of
the theorists’ compelling arguments, given that there is no
atmosphere or wind on the moon, but the people who refute
this say that the flag was moving because it had to be twisted
into the ground But what of the astronauts’ golf shots that
sliced, a phenomenon caused by airflow across the ball?

NASA has refused to comment significantly on any
of these allegations, allowing the many photographs and
lengths of video footage to speak for themselves, along with
the testimonies of the many people involved in the project,
none of whom has ever intimated that the landings were
faked More importantly, numerous samples were brought
back from the Apollo 11 mission that have been tested by
many independent institutions and found to be of extraterrestrial
origin, some of them containing isotopes caused by
nuclear reactions not normally found on Earth The real
truth, however, may never be known

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? How Do Mobile Phone Work

A mobile phone is essentially a two-way radio, like a CB set,
transmitting and receiving wireless radio-frequency signals
However, while a CB set is what’s known as a “simplex”
device (i e , two people can communicate at the same time
but only one person can talk at a time), a mobile phone is
described as a “duplex” device (i e , it uses one frequency
for transmitting and another for receiving, enabling people
on either end of the line to talk and listen simultaneously)
The radio signal from the phone is transmitted through
the air to the antenna of the nearest base station, which
contains equipment designed to emit radio transmissions
and passes the signal to the
network and then to its destination Each base station covers an area of about ten square
miles, known as a “cell,” which is why mobile phones are
called cell or cellular phones

Mobile phone signals can reach only limited distances,
which is why an intricate network of cells is needed to connect
people at greater distances and why mobile phones
don’t work in remote areas that have no base stations Each
base station has a finite capacity to receive and transmit signals,
and highly populated areas usually have a higher number
of base stations to cope with the large number of users

The reason why a mobile phone can be used while driving
for many miles is because the signal moves from one
base station to the next so that a number of base stations,
and their cells, are utilized

Mobile phones contain low-power transmitters and low-
mass lithium-ion batteries that store a lot of power, two
factors that enable them to be very small and light

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Do We Really Use 10 Percent of our Brains

Psychologists in the early twentieth century commented that humans use only 10 percent of their brains, and Albert Einstein also indicated that humans use only a small portion of the brain It’s a theory that has been propounded in television documentaries, magazines, advertisements and books over the past century Psychics have also latched on to it as a possible explanation for paranormal behavior, attributing unusual incidents to the workings of the unused portion of the brain They profess that 90 percent of the brain consists of untapped potential that is capable of remarkable feats.

Nearly all scientists now agree that the theory that we use only 10 percent of our total brain function is completely unfounded In fact, they question how this figure was arrived at in the first place and what areas of the brain are supposed to be redundant The theory supposes that if 90 percent of the brain were removed, a person would still be able to function normally, whereas in reality it is known that damage to even a small area of the brain can result in physical devastation.

In addition, most significant disorders of the brain involve only a small and very specific area of the brain If the 10 percent argument was true, it’s unlikely that so many problems would persistently occur in that area And if we use only 10 percent of our nerves and neurons in the brain, how would this be measured? Indeed, imaging of the brain in scans shows that all parts of the brain are used for different activities and that many areas of the brain are used for some complex activities or thought processes Throughout the course of one day, most areas of the brain are active at some time, even during sleep The 10 percent theory suggests
that a discrete area of the brain is not used, whereas scans reveal activity throughout the entire brain and not in any isolated segment The final nail in the 10 percent theory is the fact that neurosurgeons carefully map the brain before removing tumors so that they don’t compromise other essential areas.

From an evolutionary perspective, it’s highly unlikely that our comparatively larger brains would have evolved from our ancestors if the extra areas were surplus to requirements In fact, there is absolutely no evidence to support the 10 percent theory.

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Why Do People Often Wake Up Just Before the Alarm

Some people find that, no matter what time they go to bed,
they wake at the same time every morning, quite often just
before their alarm clock sounds

Scientists believe that a person wakes at the same time
each day because of the body’s circadian rhythms, the
internal “body clock” that regulates the cyclic processes of
the body over a twenty-four-hour period These rhythms
are important in determining the sleep patterns of people
and are thought to be predominantly internal (that is, not
affected by external stimuli), being affected and largely
defined by regular activity in people, which goes some way
to explaining why people generally wake up at around the
same time every day Studies have also shown that a person’s

body temperature rises at the same time each morning,
which is also linked to waking

Waking just before the alarm is thought to be the work of the subconscious People anticipate the time they’re going to wake up, and this anticipation makes them wake just before the alarm goes off Both waking and the sound of the alarm cause stress, so the subconscious sets a time of waking just before the alarm goes
off The theory is that, if people think of an exact time they
are going to awaken and imagine themselves waking at that
time, the subconscious takes over while they’re asleep and
makes this happen Indeed, some studies have shown an increase
in certain hormones in the body that wake a person
in circumstances when they were aware of the time that the
alarm was due to go off, caused by the subconscious anticipating
of this time and prompting the body to wake itself

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? Is The Drink "RED BULL" Dangerous

Red Bull is the brand name of a canned soft drink that is
marketed as an energy source and stimulant containing
sugar, vitamin B, glucuronolactone, caffeine (around the
same amount as in a cup of coffee) and a compound called
taurine, which gives the drink its name

In the early part of 2000, a number of people started
questioning whether the drink was dangerous to human
health, as there was a suggestion that one of its ingredients,
glucuronolactone, was an artificial stimulant given to U S
troops in Vietnam in the 1960s to boost morale It was said
that the drug produced brain tumors and death in some of the soldiers, although there is no scientific evidence supporting
this suggestion However, in 2001, the drink was
investigated by the Swedish National Food Administration
after being connected to the deaths of three people

Some experts are concerned about the inclusion of glucuronolactone
and taurine in the drink Glucuronolactone
is a natural carbohydrate produced by the human metabolic
system, but the amounts contained in each can of Red
Bull are high enough to worry some people A recent study
found that more testing was needed to assess the dangers
of glucuronolactone and taurine, but many think that high
quantities could be dangerous to people Experts are also
concerned about the levels of caffeine in the drink, especially
when it’s mixed with alcohol, as it often is

The sale of Red Bull as a normal soft drink is now prohibited
in Denmark, France and Norway

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?Why Do People Need Sleep

The origins and purposes of sleep are still not fully understood,
and experts have been arguing about them for millennia
Hippocrates, for instance, believed that sleep allowed
blood to retreat within the body, while Aristotle thought
that sleep was needed for digestion

The amount of sleep that each person needs depends on
his or her age, and without it, he or she can become irritable
and unable to complete normal tasks, while prolonged
periods without sleep can result in hallucinations and even
death Sleep, it seems, is necessary for our survival

There are many theories that attempt to explain the function
of sleep Some believe that sleep shuts down and repairs
neurons in the brain, allowing for the increased production
of hormones and proteins necessary to rejuvenate the emotional
and social functioning areas of our mind Sleep is also
thought to be vital for repairing the muscles and tissues of
the body, as well as the nervous and immune systems, and a
function for conserving energy It’s also believed that sleep
provides the necessary physical environment for the brain
to process information and organize our thoughts, and indeed,
things learned just prior to sleep are often more easily
remembered However, drugs such as alcohol alter certain
stages of sleep, reducing its rejuvenative benefit.s

It is thought that our present need for sleep stems directly
from the behavior of our ancestors, who would rest in
caves at night in order to avoid predators and because there
was little else to do during the hours of darkness As a result,
we have evolved to depend on sleep

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Why Do Women Talk More Than Men Do, but Can't Read Maps as Well as Men

While all human brains consist of the same material—
about 40 percent gray matter and 60 percent white mat-
ter—the brain of a man is significantly different from that
of a woman From studies conducted using intelligence
tests, it has been determined that men use nearly seven
times more gray matter than women do, whereas women
use nine times more white matter than men do The main
functions of gray matter seem to lie in the disciplines of 
spatial awareness, including map-reading, mathematics
and problem-solving, whereas white matter connects the
processing centers of the brain and is important in the use
of language, emotional thinking and the ability to do more
than one thing at once

Because women use more white brain matter, they tend
to be better communicators In fact, the female brain has
a greater number of areas associated with communication
than the male brain does, which explains why women tend
to use language as an emotional rapport-building device
whereas men use language to exchange information and
solve problems On average, a woman says 7,000 words per
day while a man says only 2,000
The two hemispheres of the female brain are also linked
more effectively than those of the male brain, and they’re
more closely connected, which explains how women are
better able to multitask than men, who generally have to
concentrate on one job at a time This greater connectivity
in the female brain is also thought to be the reason for so-
called women’s intuition

These differences are thought to have been brought
about by the social roles adopted by men and women in
our ancestors’ time Men, for instance, would go out hunting,
often tracking their prey for many days, which required
problem-solving and navigation, whereas women needed
to be more emotionally and linguistically attuned to protect
their home and offspring In fact, studies show that women
with higher than average levels of the male hormone testosterone
tend to be able to read maps more effectively than
other women.

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